Pete I'm tired of your bull shit on this subject. There would be no Society if women didn't rise to the needs. They are not at fault.....the Society is.
I suppose the only thing you can do about that is choose not read my comments. If you do happen to read them, try and see through the negative filters you may have on this topic and try to see what the real intent of my post instead of projecting your own negative notions onto my words. Who said anything about anyone being at fault? If you read my comment again you'll realize that I was saying that we all have responsibility for the choices we make and the responsibility to change our former choices once we realized they were wrong. Many a JW did so and faced the consequences, but most stuck with their old choices because it was easier than the alternative and it was easier to let others take charge of our lives or blame someone else than to face up to what we needed to do. My original post was to demonstrate that anyone can find someone to blame for what happened to them....even men. We were victims too. Like fools we spend hours giving and preparing talks, sitting in elders meetings, being examples being watched by everyone especially those looking to find fault, only to find out it was all a hoax. Men don't get to blame anyone for this, we don't get to refer to ourselves as "warriors" once we got the courage to leave.
What your now trying to promote sounds like an anti wives put down. Sorry if you lost your wife and children. But being an ass wipe on this forum is not the solution.
How did you ever come up with such a notion, and why all the crude language ?? Can't you not find a way to articulate your thoughts and feelings without resorting to crude and childish name calling?? As it happens I have a wonderful wife and she and my sons left the organization along with me. Thankfully she is not one to blame men or anyone else for the years she wasted as an intelligent woman in the JW organization and the things she was subjected to as well as the opportunities she missed. She realizes that she wasn't forced to do any of it. She liked the fact that men took charge. She didn't have to shoulder any of the responsibility nor any blame. She had 2 sisters who had the courage to leave once they became of age but she blindly trusted what she heard from the platform and choose to stick with it even though it didn't make sense. She freely admits that she did so simply because it was familiar and it was easy to go along with the status quo rather than risk being shunned like her sisters. She knows that there are people in this world who lived and are living under real oppression and she wasn't one of them She blames no one (including herself) that's why she was able to move on and why she isn't filled with resentment and anger.
You used to be one of our best and kindest respondents on this slowly dissolving forum.
If you are having former wife issues how about shutting the F up and growing a pair.
Well thanks I guess, for your initial compliment but what makes you think I've changed? More importantly, who do you think you are telling me I can't express my opinion as I see fit?
Grow a pair are you serious ?? It seems to me you might do well to heed your own advice and grow up as well. You might also try to figure out where all this apparent hostility and narcissism is coming from. Try and figure out why you'd become so rattled by a few sentences written by a complete stranger on a page in a public forum, that weren't even directed at you.
This forum has to be a highway for those who are exiting the JW world not some horse shit about the women who thought it was the truth and wanted to help others.
You know what.. it's better to wait to post until you have sobered up.
I have no idea what you were saying in your first sentence, but the last sentence gives me a clue as to what's going on with you today and you're assuming everyone else is in the same condition.
You needn't tell me the purpose of this forum. I'm well aware of its purpose and I'm quite sure it doesn't exist so that you can go on a foul mouth tirade and tell others what they can and cannot say, whenever you disagree with them.